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Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Trains

The Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda train route is very popular and many travellers use it. Every day, lots of people take this train journey. There are a total of 17 IRCTC trains that run from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda, some of which run daily. The distance between Bhubaneswar and Jharsuguda, is approximately 355 km. Some of these trains are mail trains, Rajdhani, Tejas, and special express trains.

Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train Timings

Depending upon the train schedule, there are a total of 17 trains that operate between Bhubaneswar and Jharsuguda on different times and days. Out of these, 5 trains run daily. Some trains run on alternate days and there are some weekly trains as well.

Railofy is here to assist you in making your train journey more convenient by providing accurate information on various railway inquiries. Whether you need to check Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda seat availability, the correct timetable, the list of scheduled trains, the train status, or the train fare, Railofy has got you covered. You can conveniently book your IRCTC train tickets online through Railofy, an official partner of IRCTC.

Train tips for traveling on the Bhubaneswar-Jharsuguda Railway
  • Book your Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda tickets in advance, especially if you are traveling during festivals & marriage seasons.
  • Arrive at the Jharsuguda at least 30 minutes before your train is scheduled to depart.
  • Save or print a copy of your Ticket on your phone.
  • Be patient and enjoy the journey!
Book your Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train Tickets on Railofy

Railofy makes planning your train journey easy. It gives you all the information you need about trains, timings, route, and even the fare. What’s more, you can check if there are seats available from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda, see when the trains leave and arrive, and know which trains run on that route.

If you want to book a confirmed ticket online, you can do it easily with Railofy, an IRCTC-trusted partner. If You are Not getting a confirmed ticket, use our ‘Travel Guarantee’ feature while booking your ticket and get up to 3X Refund into your bank account if your ticket remains waitlisted. We're authorized by IRCTC and lots of people use them. So, you can travel worry-free with Railofy.

Benefits of Booking Your Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train on Railofy
  • Top-ranking train app
  • Trusted train app by millions of customers
  • Order food online on your train seat
  • Fastest IRCTC ticket booking
  • Travel Guarantee (get up to 3X refund if your train ticket remains waitlisted)
  • Free Cancellation & Instant Refunds
  • Enjoy ₹0 Payment Gateway fee
  • PNR Status & Prediction
Check online PNR status from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda

Planning a trip from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda? Don't forget to check your PNR status online before you board that train! It's as easy as 1-2-3. Simply visit the PNR status link or download our trusted app to get real-time updates on your train status. Get real-time IRCTC ticket updates: seat, coach position etc. Also get ticket confirmation probability, and receive chart prep updates via the Railofy app. In nut-shell, stress-free travel is just a few taps or clicks away!

Order food in Train from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda

Enjoy a delicious meal on your train journey from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda with the Railofy app! As an IRCTC-authorized partner, we've delighted over 103,000 customers with our 4.9-rated service. Select from renowned restaurants like Haldiram, Bikanervala, and Subway, and savour your favourite dishes. We serve at + stations – order tasty food right to your seat!

Get Complete Details of Train Journey from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda

Railofy helps you plan your train journey better with its accurate information on all possible railway enquiries. Train and railway reservation enquiries like Bhubaneswar to Jharsugudaseat availability, Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda correct timetable, real-time data, Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda list of scheduled trains, Live train status & train fare.

Quick Overview of Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train:

Below is the quick Information of Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train

Daily Trains5
Duration6 hours
First Departure Time01:50
Last Departure time22:10
Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda Train FAQs
There are 5 trains running from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda, out of which 17 trains run daily. Some trains run on alternate days and there are some weekly trains as well. To get the exact information about the train schedule login on Railofy app.
The train ticket prices from Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda vary depending on the class of travel and the specific train you choose. It's recommended to check the latest fare and availability when booking your ticket.
There are quite a few special trains that run between Bhubaneswar and Jharsuguda. To get accurate information, log in with Railofy.
Train tickets for the Bhubaneswar to Jharsuguda route can generally be booked up to 120 days in advance. However, the booking window may vary depending on the specific train and class of travel.
The first train on this route is HUMSAFAR EXP and leaves Bhubaneswar at 01:50. It may vary depending on the schedule. You can check login on the site to get the latest information on the first train of the day.
The last train on this route is RAJYARANI EXPRE and leaves Bhubaneswar at 22:10. It may vary depending on the schedule. You can check login on the site to get the latest information on the first train of the day.
The approximate distance between Bhubaneswar and Jharsuguda by train is around 355km, depending on the specific route taken by the train
Booking your train ticket is a breeze with Railofy just a few simple steps:
  • Download our app or visit our website's Train Booking section.
  • Pick your departure and arrival stations.
  • Select your travel date and add passenger details for each passenger.
  • Log in using your mobile number.
  • Make your payment online, and you're all set!
Absolutely! When you book your ticket with Railofy, you are assured of either getting a confirmed ticket or 3X refund, if you choose Travel Guarantee plan.

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